About Me

Living With Type 2 Diabetes

I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes five years ago, and I've had to make considerable changes to my lifestyle to maintain my health since I was diagnosed. I started this blog to share my experience of coming to terms with having type 2 diabetes and what I've learned on my personal journey. I share details of the lifestyle changes I've made, including giving up smoking and eating more wholefoods, and my personal experience of using alternative treatments, such as acupuncture and herbal medicine. I also post about new treatments that are becoming available for type 2 diabetes. I hope you find my blog useful and informative.



Living With Type 2 Diabetes

5 Steps to Take When You Have a Toothache

by Regina Perry

When you feel an ache in your tooth, you need to act quickly to prevent serious oral health problems. While you might want to ignore the problem and hope it goes away, this is a dangerous course of action. Here are a few steps you should take right now to deal with your toothache responsibly.

1. Schedule a Dental Appointment

Toothache can be a sign of a serious dental problem, such as tooth decay or an infection in the gum. It is important to get dental treatment as soon as you can. Look for an emergency dental clinic in your area and call right away to schedule an emergency appointment.

2. Use a Saltwater Rinse

A toothache can be a sign that an infection is developing in your mouth. Swishing a saltwater rinse around your mouth can help to prevent infection by killing bacteria. Make your own rinse by adding ordinary table salt to water and use it to gently rinse your mouth several times a day.

3. Take Suitable Pain Medicines

Pain-relieving medications can help you tolerate the pain of a toothache while you wait to see an emergency dentist. The best pain medicines are ibuprofen and paracetamol. Do not take aspirin, which can increase the amount of oral bleeding during dental treatment. If you cannot take ibuprofen or paracetamol due to an allergy or an interaction with a medication you already take, ask a pharmacist for advice.

4. Apply a Cold Compress

In addition to pain medicines, an ice pack can help to ease the pain of a toothache. Wrap ice cubes or frozen peas in a towel and press it gently against your cheek on the side of your face where the pain is present. Be patient and wait for the ice to numb the area. Do not put ice on your bare cheek without wrapping it because the cold can cause skin damage.

5. Be Careful When Eating and Drinking

When you have a toothache, you still need to drink and eat to get sufficient nutrition and stay hydrated. However, it is a good idea to avoid foods that are spicy, crunchy or require a lot of chewing. Steer clear of drinks that are very hot or very sugary, as these could trigger more pain in your mouth. Sip water and eat soft foods such as soup, mashed potatoes and smoothies to get the nutrition you need.
