About Me

Living With Type 2 Diabetes

I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes five years ago, and I've had to make considerable changes to my lifestyle to maintain my health since I was diagnosed. I started this blog to share my experience of coming to terms with having type 2 diabetes and what I've learned on my personal journey. I share details of the lifestyle changes I've made, including giving up smoking and eating more wholefoods, and my personal experience of using alternative treatments, such as acupuncture and herbal medicine. I also post about new treatments that are becoming available for type 2 diabetes. I hope you find my blog useful and informative.



Living With Type 2 Diabetes

Your Guide to Recovery From Prostate Cancer Surgery

by Regina Perry

If your doctor has recommended that you have surgery to remove prostate cancer, you might feel anxious at the prospect of the surgery and the recovery period that follows. This guide can help to set your mind at rest by letting you know what to expect.

In the Hospital

Most men who have traditional prostate cancer surgery need to spend a night in hospital after the surgery. However, if you opt for laser prostate cancer surgery, you might be able to go home right away and sleep in your own bed. Ask your doctor about the options that are available for your surgery and how long you can expect to spend in the hospital in each case.

Using a Catheter

If you have traditional prostate cancer surgery, then it is likely that you will have a catheter in place when you wake up from the operation. A catheter is a small plastic tube that is inserted through the penis into the urethra. Its purpose is to allow you to pass urine, which can be difficult to do naturally when there is swelling around the prostate as a result of recent surgery.

Catheter use is less common in men who have laser prostate cancer surgery, although some still need to wear one for a day or so. Whatever kind of surgery you have, a nurse will usually remove your catheter before you leave the hospital so you won't have to deal with it at home.

Getting Home

You should arrange for someone to collect you from the hospital when it is time for you to be discharged. Make sure you take with you any medication that has been prescribed, as well as your personal belongings. You should ensure you have a way of getting in touch with your medical team, such as a phone number, in case you develop any complications during recovery.

Rest and Recovery

Once you arrive home, the best thing you can do to speed up your recovery is to rest. Do not try to lift anything heavy, as there is a risk of tearing stitches. You might find it helpful to ask a friend or family member to help you, or hire help. You should also schedule time off work so that you can rest fully. As you start to feel better, you can begin to take gentle exercise, such as short walks, but do not rush back to the gym until your doctor says it is fine to do so.

Contact a medical professional to learn more about prostate cancer surgery.
